Monday, August 31, 2015

What I Did This Summer

I took a break from blogging and writing this summer to fully enjoy time with my husband and daughters.  It would be great to catch you all up on what we did and even include pictures, but every time I sit down to do that it feels like a school project or one of those god awful Christmas letters. You know the ones.  I myself have been guilty of writing those in the past, so no judgement, but let's just agree to stop.  We all have Facebook now and we see little Suzie's gymnastics accomplishments and do not require a further detailed report in writing. She's awesome.  Remember? We commented that in your post in September. Happy Holidays, Love Scrooge.

Wow.  Sorry.  It got judgy. Honestly, I love those letters.  I do.  I can't get enough of Suzie.

Moving along.

I was trying to sum up this summer and what we did. I made a list of camps, outings, and where we went on vacation, but what does that tell you? Then I thought about what we really truly did this summer and you know what I came up with-Memories.  We made memories.

A new round of family inside jokes that will make us shoot Dr.Pepper through our noses while you look on in confused wonder.

My husband and I shared stories from when we were children on summer vacation with our parents. We brought to life family members who have since passed on through our vivid recollections and anecdotes.

11 taught 5 how to tie her shoes in 40 minutes when I had been working with her for 3 months.

5 faced her fear of putting her face underwater and now swims like a seal.

11 taught us Cat's Cradle and we watched Youtube Videos and all learned Jacob's Ladder together.

A trip to Urgent Care brought us together and honed our teamwork skills, but I don't recommend it.

Several photos, artwork and crafts strewn around the house to remind us for years to come of the fun we had.

And the knowledge that one day our girls will be telling their families about the things they did growing up.  They won't remember the money we spent on souvenirs, but they will remember singing in the car and playing iSpy. To me, that is priceless.

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