Sunday, September 14, 2014

I've Got To Admit It's Getting Better

I'm writing and I'm doing yoga.

This is big.

This is good.

Maybe, I am back.

If I can get myself up and running (literally) then I might feel like me again.

For now, I am walking. Baby steps. Trying to give myself credit for once instead of continuously demanding more. I would never talk to to my worst enemy the way I talk to myself.

I did some pushups today. Proper pushups. Not those modified so-called girl pushups.In fact, when I was a girl I took Tae Kwon Do so I did knuckle pushups. Those are my kind of "girl" pushups.

This has been a difficult week.  A week where we have seen the dark side of humanity. Wife beating, child beating, beheadings... I know this happens daily and goes unreported, but the national attention really gets everyone talking about it. I do not claim to know any of the answers. I only know that my heart hurts and I tend to go to that gloomy place where I feel like humanity is a bit of a lost cause.

It's not though. The sheer number of people speaking out against these atrocities is evidence that we will not stand by and let the status quo continue.  This gives me hope.

Hope is a good thing.

So I am not going to forget the events of the world, but I am going to realize that I cannot take the weight of the world on my shoulders or control the actions of others. I am going to have hope that by lifting our voices together it can and will make a difference.

Until then I'm going to keep on listening to music and dancing like a mad woman and be very grateful I live in a world where this happened!